Company data for global businesses
Our global database gives you access to more than 70 million companies and 20+ proprietary data fields, making it easy for you to find ICP companies on a global scale.

The most advanced company profiles globally
Check the full list of available data points here.
Accurate and up-to-date data
Our algorithms analyze the existing company websites in our database every 60 days. This means that you can rely on our data to be accurate and up to date.

Millions of companies at your fingertips
Since we find and identify companies based on their website, we're able to provide data on an unprecedented number of companies. Currently, our database contains over 75 million companies, with that number currently growing by 100 000 every day.

Every company website is its own data source
Once we've identified a company website, our ML algorithms analyze it and produce proprietary data you won't find anywhere else, such as exact industries based on the Vainu Custom Industry classification model. Our unique collection of firmographic, technographic, and website-insights data makes it easy to find and strategically target more ICP companies.

Valuable company attributes, accessible to Vainu users only.
Exact industry information and B2B vs. B2C classifiers
HQ location and countries of operations
In-depth insights based on website keywords
Organization size indicators
Technology data
Website traffic data
Delivery methods
More than 1100 organizations are choosing Vainu to close more business

Kaveh Rostampor
CEO at Planhat
Andreas Ringstad
CMO at Pocketlaw
Nail Bedretdin
Growth Marketing & Analytics at Valve
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