Perfect timing with sales alerts
Vainu can alert you whenever a significant change occurs in any of your target groups, so that you can be at the right place at the right time with the right message.

More than 1100 organizations are choosing Vainu to close more business

Never miss a sales opportunity
With Workflow Triggers, filling up your sales pipeline is easy: You can be notified as soon as new target accounts match your predefined criteria, so you don't miss out on a potential sales opportunity.

Strike while the iron's hot
Timely sales alerts let you know which target accounts you should prioritize right now. Workflow Triggers will inform you as soon as a significant company event occurs, so you know when it's a good time to connect.

Have relevant conversations
With access to real-time company information, you can better understand your prospect's situation and be more timely and relevant in your communication–valuable for building trust with your target accounts.

Jonathan Teir
Head of Analytics at Greenstep

Anders Holmberg
Chief Sales Officer at GetAccept

Pernilla Chis
Sales and Marketing Manager in CRM & Ecommerce at Exsitec
Access real-time company data across your entire tech stack with Vainu's CRM Connectors, APIs, and webhooks
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