February (Q1) Product Roundup: API fields available for mapping in the Connector and more!

You might be wondering why we’ve already got our Q1 Product Roundup at the end of February, and the answer is that we’ve got a big product release happening in March, which will warrant its own blog post. However, just because we’ve got that very exciting product release around the corner doesn’t mean that our other exciting product developments shouldn’t get some limelight!

API fields are available for mapping in Connector

If you’re using the Vainu platform to send company data to your CRM, you’ll already know we have a lot of data. What you might not know is that we have even more data! The “problem” is that some of this data has only been accessible via our API—until now, that is. 

This is all to say that our non-list API data fields are now available for mapping via the Connector! 

Here’s how it works:

  • Use the Custom Input field
  • Write a reference to an API field in the following format: ${company.api_field_name}
    • For example, if you want to map the registration_date API field, you should map a new Custom Input field and write ${company.registration_date} in that field
    • You can also combine custom text and API field: Registration date is ${company.registration_date}
    • It is also possible to map multiple API fields to one Custom Input field. For example, Registration date of ${company_name} is ${company.registration_date}

In this way, you can get the data that’s available via our API into your CRM without having to build a connection yourself. Getting the data you want where you want it has become much easier.

Some quick housekeeping: this is still only available for non-list API fields, which means fields that will only return one value if you reference it. If the reference to the field could return more than one value, you can't map it. We’re also working on a plan to implement list API fields, but we don't have estimates yet about when that could be available. If you’re curious, you can see all the data fields available via our API here.

Group data available for Finland

Long story short: We’ve added Finnish companies’ ownership data to our database, and it’s visible on the platform!

The source for our ownership data is Statistics Finland (Tilastokeskus, Konsernirekisteri), and the group structure tab (company tree) has also been modified following this update. You can see what it looks like below 👇


Nordic Similarity score improvements

Long story short: We show more and better results in the Similar Companies Tab for all of our Nordic databases.

Long story long(ish): The new version of our similarity models finds similar companies based on the similarity of their embeddings, which in turn are generated with our Vainu Custom Industry model. This is a change from the old model, which used a mix of similar static companies and our global data set. With the new model version, analysis is done based on website data. We dynamically generate results specifically for a particular country, which means we can get more similar companies, and results will be more precise than before.

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 11.51.19

See you in a month's time!

This was a short—but (hopefully) sweet—product roundup for the first quarter of 2024. Obviously, there have been more product developments in the past few months, but these were the "big" updates. Speaking of "big" updates, we've got a product release coming up at the end of March this year, and we're champing at the bit to be able to tell you more about it, but we'll all just have to wait a little while longer. See you soon in the next product update!

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