Newest product release:
Contact data

Our newest product update focuses on contact data and making it even more powerful. We now offer contact data in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. Contacts can be filtered and exported to supported CRMs, to .csv and via API.

March Product Updates Roundup

The year has been off to a busy start here at Vainu as we've sought to further develop and refine our offering to make company data as easy and actionable to use as...

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Introducing Workflow Triggers

Nothing is a harder sell than a prospect unwilling or unready to buy. It's one thing to convince prospects that you're selling a great product; it's another thing to...

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Vainu for webCRM integration

It is the start of a new year and Vainu has been busy developing an exciting assortment of new features and integrations to help you make more informed sales and...

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Updates on the Vehicle data view

We have revamped the visual design of the Vehicle view on the Company profiles to better highlight the key insights. We have also added five new, interesting data points...

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Subsidiaries: Navigating the maze

It’s a brand new year, but our product team does not show any signs of slowing down. Just a few weeks into the new year, the team is already designing and coding at full...

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Christmas Came Early This Year

In Finland, all salespeople among others are challenged by the darkest month of the year. Luckily this year, Christmas came early not only to Finland but to other Vainu...

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Bring It On Q4, We're Ready!

While our sales teams have been busy in closing the third quarter of the year (hopefully you've been as well), our developers have created new, advantageous features in...

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May Product Updates

Enter Vainu's Showroom!

Company data in Vainu is growing continuously. We want to provide the best solution for all our users regarding effortless utilizing of company...

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